Personally, I enjoy complementing my outfits with a stylish handbag in Second Life. After investing a considerable amount of Lindens in my wardrobe, it’s important to me that the handbags …
Prisqua Newall
Prisqua Newall
Pris is a seasoned explorer and advocate in the virtual world of Second Life since 2006. She is a shape-shifter, transforming her avatar to reflect her boundless imagination. As a fashion enthusiast, she appreciates the creativity in the virtual fashion industry. Pris uses her platform to highlight exceptional creators and address issues within the Second Life community. Committed to discovery, she explores new features and experiences, sharing her findings through Slex&
Most of the time, I just drop by the store to pick up the group gift and that’s it. I have 1000s of poses in my inventory, and never used …
Second Life is a 3D online virtual world developed by Linden Lab in 2003, and had approximately one million regular users on its 10th anniversary in 2013.
It’s the first time I have stuck around Second Life for over a year, logging in almost daily. It’s been an amazing comeback and it’s been so much fun to …
Tranquility Dreams is the safe haven where I have been living/hiding since January 2017. This is the first time I have stayed on the same lot for so long. The …
RL vs SL: It’s the same person behind the screen, but with a different reality. My Second Life birth date may have been back in 2006, but it took me …